Ubuntu display memory usage
Ubuntu display memory usage

Use the following format to limit a decimal places. %.2f%: By default it prints floating point numbers with 6 decimal places.printf: It used to format and print data.cpu+=$9: For each line, add column 9 to a variable ‘cpu’.awk: awk is a powerful command which is specialized for textual data manipulation.

ubuntu display memory usage

  • ^%Cpu: Filter the lines which starts with %Cpu.
  • It is useful when you run the top command from local system to remote system.
  • -b: -b option, allow the top command to switch in batch mode.
  • top: top is one of the best command to check currently running process on Linux system.
  • Multiple ways to check size of physical memoryįor Memory Utilization Percentage without Percent Symbol: $ free -t | awk 'NR = 2 '.
  • If you are looking for other articles which is related to memory then navigate to the following link.

    ubuntu display memory usage

    In this method, we are using combination of free and awk command to get the memory utilization percentage. We can use the following combination of commands to get the work done.


    Method-1: How to check Memory Utilization Percentage in Linux? It will be very useful for Linux Experts and Middle Level Linux Users. These format commands falls under Linux advanced commands.

    ubuntu display memory usage

    But the same time, you won’t be getting the clear utilization if you are using free -m or free -g. This tutorial will help you to identify the memory utilization when you are facing high memory utilization frequently in Linux server. If you want to know those information then you are in the right page. There are lot of commands and options available in Linux to check memory utilization but I don’t see much information to check about memory utilization percentage.Most of the times we are checking memory utilization alone and we won’t think about how much percentage is used.

    Ubuntu display memory usage